Saturday, April 14, 2012

Soccer Hair and Violin Festival Wear

 M is ready to do a header.  
He says he's about to come up and get the soccer ball with his head here. 
 His head hit the ball high and far!  I was thinking, "Oh great, just before he leaves for his violin recital he gets a concussion."  Thankfully that wasn't the case!
Here he is celebrating his header's height and length with a big smile and arms in the air.
I love how excited he gets about what he's involved in.  
I was thrilled when M was in as goalie and blocked 3 goals in a row!  
It's a challenge to film everything and everyone's event, especially when more than one are happening.  B went with K to her Saturday morning soccer game.  
So no pictures of her this time.  B ended up coaching as their "student" coaches didn't show up.  Maybe it's because it's their spring break!  
 With soccer smell and soccer hair, he quickly changed clothes for Festival. 
 Waiting his turn to play for the judge.  Gulp!
With his violin teacher after a great performance.
Afterward he's contemplating what his score will be.  
His prediction is 99 because she'll probably take off for his hair!

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