Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Getting Ready to Give Away 3 of the 4 Kittens :(

As you can see below, the kittens are getting so big. Tonight we sat and played with the kittens, trying to decide which one gets to stay and which 3 must go. We know it's time. When we asked the kids, each named a different kitten.

So, how do we decide? Who knows!

The first boy is black with white paws (boots), stomach, chin, and whiskers named

Milky or Boots or Milky Boots.

The second boy is all black named Midnight or Shadow.

We've even called him Bear because he reminds us of a bear cub.

The third boy is named Joe or Tiger or Joe Tiger or JT, even Tiger Joe.

He is a typical dark grey striped cat.

We think we'll be keeping the fourth which is the only girl. She is a light grey cat.
Her name is Michelle or Curiosity or Curiosity Michelle.
She is fast as lightning, so maybe we should call her lightning.
Last night I called her Scamper because she scampers out to explore.

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